Satpro Display



Table of Content:


Some of the SATPRO information is shown on the GCSD5 displays, since SATPRO can be far from the pilot.


Link TX1: It is activated when it has a link with a main receiver XLRS module.

RF TX1: It is activated when the TX module is transmitting.

Link TX2: It is activated when it has a link with a secondary receiver XLRS module.

RF TX2: RF transmission secondary radio module. It is activated when the TX module is transmitting.

Wifi: Activates when Wi-Fi module is on.

Fan: The two internal fans are activated when the temperature exceeds 25º degrees celsius by default.

Heater: It is activated when the temperature drops to 5º degrees celsius by default.

Internal Battery: It is activated when the local battery is connected and working with SATPRO.

External Battery: It is activated when the external battery is connected and working with SATPRO.


Initial Screen, Calibration:

(In Construction)

Secondary Screen, Main:

Is divided into three blocks with horizontal lines.

Radio System (Upper Block)

RSSI RX Received packets in graph.

RSSI TX Received Packets in graph.

40pS: Quantity of valid packets per second of Radio Control and Data received in the receiver

GPS information and others (Central block)

LA: GPS Latitude coordinates.

LO: Longitude GPS coordinates.

Di: Current distance of the UAV.

Al: Current height of the UAV.

27ºc: Current internal temperature in degrees celsius of SATPRO.

Motors Information and others (Lower Block)

X: Motor steps X.

Y: Motor steps Y.

GX: Current X degrees | GX (Violet): Target X degrees.

GY: Current Y degrees | GY (Violet): Target Y degrees.

0:02:08 Time: Shows the working time since SATPRO was turned on. If the SATPRO is started again, the timer will be started again and will be reset to 0.

14.6V: Current voltage.