Quick start in the office
Before turning on DL1V2 system check the following warnings: DL1V2 Warnings.
The purpose of this guide is a quick check of the link and operation of the XLRSDL1V2 system.
We will place the transmitter (DL1TXV2) and the receiver (DL1RX) on a table with the minimum wiring for the receiver, battery and DCDC that supplies 2-3Amp, once started we will review the link of the two devices.
Verifying the basic operation of the system is very easy with this simple test.
After the test is finished, you should familiarize yourself and learn the operation of the system with the manual.
At the moment it isn’t necessary to connect the devices to the PC and it isn’t necessary to modify any parameters.
The XLRSDL1 systems, Transmitter (TXDL1) and Receiver (RXDL1), are supplied linked from the factory.
Important: Never connect a battery directly to the DL1RX receiver, since it can damage the device and it isn’t covered by the guarantee. It is recommended to use a DCDC converter and supply a stabilized 5Vdc. XLRS receiver supply voltage: 5V. Min 4.5V. Max 6Vdc.
Connect the antennas to the transmitter (DL1TXV2) and to the receiver (DL1RX), if this isn’t done it can damage the devices and this type of failure due to misuse isn’t covered by the guarantee.
Starting Up DL1RX receiver
1- Install the omnidirectional antenna on the receiver (If you don’t connect the antenna, you may damage the radio).
2- In the example we connect:
A standard 11.1V/3S/1300mAh lipo battery to a DCDC 12V to 24V input and 5V/2-4Amp, the 5V DCDC output to the DL1RX receiver through the «PWR» port.
3- The leds will light up for a brief moment, then the red TX RF led will flash and the blue link led
will be off.

Starting Up DL1TX Transmitter
1- Install the omnidirectional antenna or directional antenna on the transmitter (If you don’t connect the antenna, you may damage the radio).
2- Turn on the DL1TXV2 device from the ON/OFF Switch.
3- Now the display will turn on showing the parameters configured in the device.
4- At this moment, if we have the DL1RX turned on, the two devices will automatically link:
DL1RX leds:
Check the RF transmission led should be activated.
Check the LINK led should be activated.
If led is fixed, it is linked.
If led is off, it isn’t linked.
DL1TXV2 leds:
Check the RF transmission led should be activated.
Check the LINK led should be activated.
If led is fixed, it is linked.
If led is off, it isn’t linked.
Check link between TXDL1V2 and RXDL1
1- To check the link between the two devices, we will check the status of the leds, they must be fixed or flashing rapidly.
2- In TXDL1V2 we will check the display parameters to see if it is receiving the DL1RX packets.
3- A quick test is to place each device 1 meter apart with the antennas vertical and review the RSSI displayed by the DL1TX.
XLRS_D1 System (866-950Mhz): The RSSI RX and RSSI Telemetry should mark between -19dBm to -23dBm, 100% of packets received and 40pS.
XLRS_D1 System (433Mhz): The RSSI RX and RSSI Telemetry should mark between -23dBm to -25dBm and 100% of packets received and 40pS.