
DL1TXV2. Configuration Parameters from Encoder


Use of encoder

The DL1TXV2 transmitter has a rotary encoder that allows the user to navigate through the different configurable parameters of the device that are shown on the display.

To use the rotary encoder, simply keep it pressed for 1 second to select the first parameter, once selected it will be displayed with the background text in green at this time you can rotate the knob to change the setting of the selected parameter (once it is modified the parameter will be modified in real time), to navigate between the following parameters you have to accept the current configuration, for this you have to keep the encoder pressed for 1 second.

To exit the navigation and parameter configuration, you will have to navigate between all the parameters that can be configured and after reaching the last parameter, once you hold down the encoder again, you will exit the configuration and you will see that no parameter appears anymore to configure.


Configurable Parameters

RF channel: Activates or disable the RF radio module.

“RF Channel No.”: Activates, RF radio module on the configured RF channel.

“OFF”: Disable, RF radio module.


RF mode Status: Activates the mode in which you want to send/receive the transparent data link or telemetry (Mavlink) and commands to communicate with the device.

“CMD”: Activate the commands to work on all ports (“USB”, “COM5” and “WIFI”) to communicate with the DMDStudio software.

“USB”: It activates the sending/receiving of transparent data / Telemetry (mavlink) through the “USB” port, by default it is configured at 115200Bauds.

“WIFI”: (In preparation) It activates the sending/receiving of transparent data / Telemetry (mavlink) through the “Wifi” port.

“COM5”: It activates the sending/receiving of transparent data / Telemetry (mavlink) through the “COM5” port, by default it is configured at 115200Bauds.

Note: To communicate with the device through “CMD” commands you can use “CMD” or the other ports that are free.

For example, if you have the data link via “USB” you will be able to communicate by commands from the DMDStudio software through the “COM5 or “Wifi” port.