Symptoms and Solutions

FAQs Antenna Tracker SATPRO:

Here you will find a list of possible faults and errors and their solutions, aimed at obtaining basic operation as explained in the quick guide or in an article in the manual.

If after performing the recommended tests, the problem has not been solved, it is possible that there is a fault.

Before sending any product for review, please consult with DMD technical service at and send documentation of the problem with its description and the tests carried out. Add photos and videos as they tend to simplify the descriptions and give us additional information about the problem or evidence.

This page will grow over time, trying to provide solutions to the most common problems of the initial start-up of the SATPRO tracker antenna.

Note: If you do not find your problem described here, please send an email to with the description of the problem.

Symptoms or Questions

Síntomas o Preguntas:


Previous checks:

  • Check that the telemetry ports of each data link are configured by default at 38400 Baud.
  • Verify that your autopilot has the telemetry port operating at 38400 baud.
  • Check the Mavlink telemetry parameters of your autopilot and check that it is sending Mavlink GPS packets (Mavlink 1 Protocol).
  • Check the wiring between the data link telemetry port (TX) to the CTRCB device (
  • Verify that the CTRCB device is correctly connected through the adapter cable to the SATPRO and powered.
  • Verify that the data links (TX and RX) are linked and their operation is correct.
  • Verify that SATPRO has the battery charged and the voltage is not below 12.4V (Battery. Charging and use).
  • Verify that the data links and the autopilot are correctly powered.
  • Check that you are connecting to the correct COM port and with the CURC device to the software (Mission Planner, QGroundControl or similar) at 115200bauds.


If you have done all these checks then follow the following steps:

Now with all the devices working correctly and turned on, check that your autopilot is receiving GPS, once it receives GPS it should send the Mavlink GPS packets through telemetry to its data link (RX) and it will send them to its Data Link (TX) and in turn the packets will go through the CTRCB device (If so, you should see communication through the LEDs), then these packets will be received by the SATPRO through the adapter cable and if everything is fine and it is receiving the home and data GPS will automatically show them on the display, then the mavlink packets will follow through the CURCB device and convert them via USB for communication with the software (Mission Planner, QGround Control or Similar).


If, even after carrying out all the checks and retesting the operation of all the systems, the SATPRO still doesn’t receive Mavlink GPS packets and doesn’t move, then you will need to perform the following tests and send them to our technicians by email:

  • 1- With the same configuration, make a link with your data links without using SATPRO and communicate with the Mission Planner, QGroundControl or similar software.
  • 2- On your Data Link (TX) make a connection through the telemetry port with a TTL / USB serial module to Mission Planner, this time to 38400b.
  • 3- Without using the Data Link devices, connect the telemetry port of your autopilot (38400b) directly to the CTRCB device, this way your autopilot should be sending Mavlink GPS telemetry packets directly to SATPRO without the need for Data Links and verify that it is sending the packets properly so that SATPRO can read them.

If the latest tests don’t work, it is possible that there is a bad connection in SATPRO.